logo The license code is not valid for this release

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The license code you entered is for an older release of SDI FTP.

The license code is generated for a specific release and will not function with newer releases of SDI FTP. (How else could we get you to pay for upgrades?)


The product release level is three digits separated by periods, for example, 2.3.0. The license code only checks the first two digits, so a license code created for 2.3.0 will work with releases 2.3.1 through 2.3.9. However, if you try to use it with release 2.4.0 or higher you will get the above error message.


If you have purchased a maintenance contract, upgrades are free. Send an e-mail to sales@sdisw.com with your current "licensed to" name and the new SDI FTP release level and you will be e-mailed a license code for the new release.


If you do not have a maintenance contract, you may purchase an upgrade or you may download the release level that works with your license code. Product downloads can be found on the Customer Downloads page of our web site.