SDI LPD listens for print jobs on port 515 by default. Port 515 is the standard LPD listening port. If your system uses a non-standard port, you can change the SDI LPD listening port by adding the following DWORD registry entry and specifying the desired port number.
Step by Step Instructions:
1. | Run regedit.exe to start the Registry Editor. (Start, Run..., regedit.exe) |
2. | Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SDI\SDI LPD\Settings\Port |
3. | Right click on Settings to display the context menu. Hover over New and select DWORD Value. |
4. | Change the name of the new registry entry from "New Value #1" to "Port". |
5. | Right click on "Port" and select Modify. |
6. | Enter the new listening port number in the "Value data:" edit box. |
7. | Close the Registry Editor. (Registry, Close)