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Refresh the print jobs list in the SDI LPD window.

Use this command when print queues are shared (on a network drive) by multiple PCs running SDI LPD. For example, assume the following:


SDI LPD is running on PC A and PC B.
PC A and B share a print queue on network drive H.
The shared print queue name is MainframePrintQueue.
MainframePrintQueue is setup to hold print jobs rather than printing them.


When SDI LPD on PC A receives a print job into MainframePrintQueue, the job list on PC A is updated but the job list on PC B is not updated. Issuing the Refresh command on PC B causes SDI LPD to rescan all the print queues and update the jobs list. After the refresh, the jobs list on PC B will show the print job received into the MainframePrintQueue by PC A.



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