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TN3270 Plus SSL/TLS Support

TN3270 Plus release 4.0.0 and above support TLSv1, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2.
TN3270 Plus release 3.7.5 supports SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2.
TN3270 Plus release 3.7.4 supports SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2.
Release 3.7.3 TN3270 Plus release 3.7.3 and below support SSLv2, SSLv3 and TLSv1.

In TN3270 Plus Release 4.0.0 and above, support for SSL Version 2 and SSL Version 3 are not available due to security vulnerabilities inherent in those protocols.

TN3270 Plus release 3.7.4 and 3.7.5 support SSL Version 2 and SSL Version 3 and will remain available to users until they are able to convert to TLS. Release 3.7.4 has an option to disable the use of CBC ciphers that can be expoited using the POODLE vulnerability.

Releases earlier that 3.7.4 support SSL Version 2 and SSL Version 3, but we highly recommend that you update to release 3.7.4 or to release 4.0.0 and the TLS protocol. Releases earlier than 3.7.2 may be affected by the Heartbleed security vulnerability.

TN3270 Plus supports an encryption strength of up to 128 bits. SSL/TLS support is included with the TN3270 Plus SSL Feature. You must include the SSL Feature in your order if you require SSL/TLS support. If you currently have TN3270 Plus without the SSL Feature, you can order an upgrade and add the SSL Feature. A typical TN3270 Plus configuration for an SSL connection to an IBM zSeries host computer would include:

Telnet Base (A)
3270 Terminal (T)
SSL Feature (L)

A typical TN3270 Plus configuration for an SSL connection to an IBM iSeries computer with SSL would include:

Telnet Base (A)
5250 Terminal (F)
SSL Feature (L)

Please see TN3270 Plus Prices page for complete details and volume discount information. 

30-day Evaluation


TN3270 Plus is an SSL/TLS client. TN3270 Plus Release 4.0.0 and above support TLS V1, TLS V1.1 and TLS V1.2 TN3270 Plus SSL/TLS can be used to connect to a zSeries computer running SSL/TLS server software via TCP/IP. The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol allows the secure transmission of data across the Internet. SSL/TLS is the protocol used by e-commerce sites on the Internet to protect your personal and credit card information. TN3270 Plus SSL/TLS allows a secure connection to a host computer. Data transmitted to and from the host computer is safe from viewing and tampering by outside parties.

Additional Information

For details on how SSL/TLS works, see the following links:


License Agreement

TN3270 Plus SSL support includes software developed by the OpenSSL project for the OpenSSL toolkit. This feature includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young. This feature includes software written by Tim Hudson. (See the OpenSSL license agreement.)


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