Unable to access the SecureBlackBox Dll's
SSH support will be inoperative.
TN3270 Plus was unable to access the SecureBlackBox Dll's required for SSH support. This error could be caused by one of the following:
1. | One or more of the SecureBlackBox Dll's were not installed. |
2. | One or more of the SecureBlackBox Dll's were deleted. |
3. | One or more of the SecureBlackBox Dll's were not registered. |
The SecureBlackBox Dll's are: BaseBBox.dll and SSHBBoxCLi.dll
To register the there DLL's manually use theregsvr32.exe. Administrative privileges are required. For example:
regsvr32.exe "c:\Program files (x86)\SDI\TN3270 Plus\baseBBox8.dll"
regsvr32.exe "c:\Program files (x86)\SDI\TN3270 Plus\SSHBBoxCLi.dll"
TN3270 Plus is continually being improved. To learn more about the latest enhancements, please review our Version History web page.