logo Logging Setup dialog box

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Use the Logging Setup dialog box to manage your log files.




The Logging Setup dialog contains the following fields:


Log file location

The full path and file name of the SDI LPD log file. A date stamp is appended to the file name and a new log file is created each day. For example, if the log file name is c:\log file.log, the file created will be c:\ log file yyyy-dd-mm.log where yyyy-mm-dd is the current date.

Disable logging

Check this box to disable logging.

Automatically delete log files older than

Check this box to have SDI LPD automatically delete log files more than the specified number of  days old.

Log files

This list box contains a list of all available log files.

View button

View the selected log file. The selected log file is opened in Notepad. This button is disabled if multiple log files are selected.

Delete button

Delete the selected log file(s).

Delete All button

Delete all the log files.