The Print Queue Setup dialog box contains all the customization options for your printer queues.
Print Queue | Select a print queue from the drop-down list box. Click on the New button to create a new print queue. Click on the Delete button to delete a print queue. You must delete all jobs in the print queue before the print queue can be deleted. |
Printer | Select the printer from the drop-down list box. Click on the adjacent Page Setup... button to the Page Layout dialog box and change the printer setup for this session. |
<<Disk File: create>> creates the disk file specified in the Filename edit box rather than printing the file. If the file does already exists, it is overlayed.
<<Disk File: append>> indicates print output should be appended to the disk file specified in the Filename edit box rather than printed. If the file does not exist, it is created.
Filename | (Optional) Specify the full path and file name to redirect printed output to a file. You must specify <<Disk File: create>> or <<Disk File: append>> in the Printer drop-down list box to enable this edit box. Click the Browse... button to display the Select Printer Screen File Name dialog and choose a file. You can specify any of the following variables in the filename and the variable will be replaced with the associated information. Variable names must be in upper case.
$COMPUTERNAME | Computer name. |
$DATE | Current date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
$SOURCE | LPR print job file that was used to create the print job. |
$TIME | Current time in HH-MM-SS format. |
$USER | Current logged on user name. |
For example, if you are printing job number 005 and you specify c:\folder\test $JOBNO.txt in the Filename edit box, the output file will be c:\folder\test 005.txt. You may also specify Windows environmental variables (e.g. %computername%, %username%, %appdata%, %programfiles%, etc).
Font | Select a font for this print queue. Click the adjacent Change... button to change the font and/or font size. |
Spool Folder | Specify a folder to contain jobs in the print queue. Click the adjacent Browse... button to select a folder. |
Pause printing | Check this box to pause printing for this queue. Uncheck this box to restart printing. |
Suppress banner page | Check this box to suppress the banner page. |
Hold jobs in queue after printing | Check this box if you do not want print jobs deleted after they are printed. |
Hold jobs in queue without printing | Check this box if you want to save prints jobs in the queue, but do not want to print them. |
Substitute CR/LF for LF | Check this box to have LF (Line Feed) translated to CR/LF (Carriage Return/Line Feed). |
Default Queue | Check this box to make this queue the default queue. If this option is set, any print job destined for an undefined queue is sent to the default queue. |
Scale font width to fit page | Check this box to scale the print font so print lines fit within the width of the printed page. If this option is not checked, lines that extend beyond the page width are truncated. Compression is computed using the number of characters specified in the COLS: edit box in the Page Layout dialog box. |
Send raw data to printer | Check this box to send data directly to the printer without formatting. Use this setting if the data contains imbedded printer control commands. |
Suppress initial form feed | Check this box to suppress any form feeds (blank pages) at the beginning of a print job. |
Append form feed to end of job | Check this box if the "Send raw data to printer" option is used and the raw data does not contain a trailing form feed. |
Use lines per inch: | Check this box to specify the number of lines per inch to be printed on the page. This option calculates the font height and sets the font size accordingly. This option overrides the font size specified in the Font edit box. |
Printer init. string: | (Optional) Specify a printer initialization string. Use this field to specify hexadecimal printer control codes to initialize the printer. You may include spaces in this field to improve readability. This string is sent to the printer before each print job. This field is only available when the "Send raw data to printer" option is checked. |
Printer term. string: | (Optional) Specify a printer termination string. Use this field to specify hexadecimal printer control codes to terminate the printer. You may include spaces in this field to improve readability. This string is sent to the printer after each print job. This field is only available when the "Send raw data to printer" option is checked. |
Print nulls: | Check this box to replace null characters in the print stream with spaces. If this option is not checked, nulls are removed from the print stream. Try this option if the columns in some of your reports do no line up correctly. |
SNA Character String (SCS) Printer | Check this box to indicate an SCS printer. AS/400 and IBM mainframe computers can create SCS format print files. |
Host Code Page | Specify a host language code page. The code page determines the EBCDIC to ASCII character translations for the print job. SDI supplies code pages for many countries (for example, GermAust.cpg and France.cpg). Click the Change... button to display your current code page in the Code Page Setup dialog box. If you wish to select a new code page, click the Browse... button in the Code Page Setup dialog box to display the Select Code Page File dialog box and select a new .cpg file. If no code page is specified, the default code page is used.