Convert - convert a screen position to a row or column or convert a row and column to a screen position

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$return = Convert(position,{ROW | COL})

$return = Convert(row,column,POS)



is the screen position relative to one.


is a  row number.


is a column number.

position, row and/or column may be variables.

The Convert command converts a screen position to a row or column, or it converts a row and column to a screen position. The Convert command  assigns the result of the conversion to the return variable. The upper left-hand corner of the screen is position 1 or  row 1 column 1. The lower right-hand corner of a 24 by 80 screen is position 1920 or row 24 column 80.


$row = Convert(81,ROW)

$col = Convert(81,COL)

$position = Convert($row,$col,POS)


See Also:


Script Command Summary

Script Variables

Using the Scripting Language

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