RelToAbs -  Convert a position relative to a rectangle on the screen to an absolute screen position

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$return = RelToAbs(position,top,left,bottom,right[,RECT])



$returnis the absolute screen position relative to one.
positionis the position within the selection area relative to 1.
topis the top row of the selection area.
left is the left column of the selection area.
bottom is the bottom row of the selection area.
right is the right column of the selection area.
RECT if RECT is specified, the selection area is a rectangle with its upper left corner at top,left and its lower right corner at bottom,right. If RECT is not specified, the selection is the string of characters starting at top,left and ending at bottom,right.


position, top, left, bottom and/or right may be variables.

The RelToAbs command converts a position relative to the beginning of the selection area to an absolute screen position.


$return = RelToAbs(10,5,1,10,80)

$return = RelToAbs(15,5,1,10,10,RECT)

Sample Script

' RelToAbs.txt

' This script locates the absolute screen position of position 74 within the

' rectangle with its upper left corner at row 10 column 1 and its lower right

' corner at row 20 column 30.

$Rect = "10,1,20,30,RECT"

$Pos = RelToAbs(75,$Rect)





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