logo Sending VM/ESA Print Files to LPD

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This section outlines how to send print files from VM/ESA to SDI LPD. Additional information about LPR on VM/ESA is in the following manuals:


VM RSCS Planning and Installation (SH24-5219)

VM RSCS Operation and Use (SH24-5220)


vmesa to lpd


1. Create a SDI LPD Print Queue for VM/ESA print files

Before you can send print files from VM/ESA LPR to SDI LPD you must create a print queue in LPD. This example uses a print queue name of VMPRTQ.

2. Configure an LPR link in RSCSTCP CONFIG

The following is an example of the LINKDEFINE and PARM statements required for an LPR link. These statements must be added to RSCSTCP CONFIG on TCPMAINT 198.

Note: RSCS must be shutdown and restarted for the changes to RSCSTCP CONFIG to take affect.







LINKDEFINE LPRONELPRONE is the name of the link. This name is specified on the CMS TAG command to indicate where to send a spool file.


TYPE LPRindicates this is an LPR link.        


ASTindicates the link will be autostarted when a file is sent to it.        


CLASS *indicates all file classes may be processed by the link.        


PARM LPRONEParameter statement for the LPRONE link.        


EXIT=LPRXONEspecifies the exit module for this link. LPRXONE is the default exit module provided by IBM for non-postscript printers        


HOST= is the IP address of the computer running SDI LPD.        


PRINTER=VMPRTQVMPRTQ is the SDI LPD print queue set up for receiving jobs from VM/ESA.        


3. Print a File

Logon to a CMS user and enter the following commands to print the file PROFILE EXEC to the VMPRTQ print queue in SDI LPD.


spool prt rscs

tag dev prt lprone

print profile exec




spool prt rscsSpools print files to the RSCS reader        
tag dev prt lproneAdds a tag to all files in the print queue indicating they are to be routed to printer link "lprone".        
print profile execPrints the profile exec file. This file will be spooled to the RSCS reader and RSCS will route it in LPR format to the IP address in the LPRONE link.