logo Sending z/OS TSO Print Files to LPD

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This section outlines how to send print files from z/OS, OS/390 or MVS TSO to SDI LPD. Additional information about LPR on z/OS is in the following manuals:


OS/390 eNetwork Communications Server: IP User's Guide, GC31-8514

CS for OS/390 TCP/IP Implementation: MVS Applications, SG24-5229-01


1. Create an SDI LPD Print Queue for z/OS print files

Before you can send print files from TSO LPR to SDI LPD you must create a print queue in LPD. This example uses a print queue name of ZOSPRTQ.

2. Print a File

Logon to TSO and enter the following commands to print the file sys1.tcpparms(lpddata) to the ZOSPRTQ print queue in SDI LPD. In this example, the IP address of the PC running SDI LPD is







TSO LPRSET ZOSPRTQ@ your default TCP/IP printer destination. ZOSPRTQ is the SDI LPD printer queue name and is the IP address of the PC running SDI LPD.        


TSO LPR 'SYS1.TCPPARMS(LPDDATA)'Prints data set SYS1.TCPPARMS(LPDDATA) to the default TCP/IP printer.