Close PrintScreen File command

Host, Close PrintScreen File

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Use this command to print Print Screen images in the Print Screen spool file. The Print Screens to Spool Before Printing option allows multiple print screens to be printed on a single page. Print screen output is held in a print spool file until the specified number of print screens is reached, then the print screen output is sent to the printer. Issue the Close PrintScreen File command to send print screen output held in the print spool file to the printer before the specified number of print screens is reached. The Print Screens to Spool Before Printing option and the number of print screens to spool are specified in the Printer pane of the Session Setup dialog box.

When the Print Screens to Spool Before Printing option is active and print screen images are held in the spool file, a printer icon followed by the number of print screens held in the print spool file appears on the status bar.


System Command:



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