Terminal command

Setup, Terminal... or Setup, Sessions..., Terminal

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Use this command to change the terminal type and terminal options for the current terminal emulation session. This command displays the Terminal pane of the Session Setup dialog box. The Terminal pane has the following options.


Terminal TypeSelect the terminal type from the list box. You cannot change the terminal type while the session is connected.
3278Mainframe (VM, VSE, MVS or z/OS)
3279Mainframe (VM, VSE, MVS or z/OS)
3270 Printer3287 printer session
5250 PrinteriSeries printer session


Screen SizeClick the radio button for the desired screen size. For 3279, VT100 or VT220 terminals you can select the Custom radio button and define your own screen size from 20 x 80 to 72 x 200. You cannot change the screen size while the session is connected.


Telnet Terminal TypeOnly change this field if the host does not accept the generated terminal type. This should rarely need to be done. You may add a single terminal type or a list of terminal types separated by a semi-colon.
For example:


For a list of terminal types, if the first is rejected then the second is sent, and so on until all types have been sent. The example above allows a VT100 connection if VT220 is not supported by the host.


Resource Name(Optional) (327x terminals) Specify a resource name for your terminal emulation session. You may specify a Windows environment variable. For example, if you specify "%username%" it will be replaced by the Windows username when it is sent to the host. You may also specify a list of resource names.  If the first resource is in use, then the session attempts to use the second, and so on. Resource names must be separated by a semicolon. For example,



Device name(Optional) (5250 terminals) Specify a device name for your terminal emulation session. You may specify a Windows environment variable. For example, if you specify "%username%" it will be replaced by the Windows username when it is sent to the host. You may also specify a list of device names. If the first device name is in use, then the session attempts to use the second, and so on. Device names must be separated by a semicolon. For example,



DEC Answerback(Optional) (VTxxx terminals) Specify an answerback message. If the host sends a "Transmit answerback message" control character, the answerback message is transmitted back to the host.


Use Computer NameCheck this box to place the network computer name in the resource name edit box.


TN3270E Associate(Optional) (3270 Printer) Check TN3270E Associate if the resource name species a terminal and you wish to use the printer associated with that terminal.

3270 Options

Disable TN3270E(327x terminals and 3270 Print) Check this box to negotiate a TN3270 connection instead of a TN3270E connection.


Null/Space Processing(327x terminals) Check this box to activate null/space processing.


Suppress Autowrap(327x terminals) Check this box to suppress autowrap. Autowrap moves the cursor from the last field of the screen to the first field of the screen when moving the cursor forward, or from the first field on the screen to the last field on the screen when moving the cursor backward. This option causes an operator error instead of an autowrap if the user presses the tab key with the cursor in the last field of the display, or the backtab key with the cursor in the first field of the display. It also gives an error if typing fills the last field of the display and autoskip is set.


Whole Field Delete(327x terminals) Check this box to make the Delete key affect the whole field if it wraps from one row to another, instead of just deleting to the end of the row containing the cursor.


Identify input fields(327x terminals) Check this box to display 5250-style column separators in 3270 unprotected fields. This makes it easier to identify the fields that accept input data.
Reset bit unlocks kybd.(327x terminals) Unlock the keyboard when the reset bit (bit 1) in the 3270 Write Control Character (WCC) is on. This option only applies to TN3270E connections.This option is rarely used.

5250 Options

No Column Separators(5250 terminals) Check this box to remove column separators from the display.


Monochrome Display(5250 terminals) Check this box to indicate you want a monochrome display.


Disable Non-blink Cursor(5250 terminals) Check this box to prevent the host from changing the cursor from blink to non-blink.


Disable Auto-help(5250 terminals) Check this box to disable auto-help. Auto-help displays on error message on line 24 when the operator makes a typing error (for example, trying to type into a protected field). When this box is checked, a flashing error code is displayed on line 24 rather than a descriptive error message.


Enhanced Mode(5250 terminals) Check this box to enable support for cursor progression and masked fields.


5250 Print Options

Message Queue Name(Optional) (5250 Print) Specify the AS/400 message queue name.


Message Queue Library(Optional) (5250 Print) Specify the AS/400 message queue library.


Host Print Transform(Optional) (5250 Print) Check this box to enable Host Print Transform for this printer session.  When Host Print Transform is enabled, the AS/400 operating system sends printer data formatted specifically for the printer type defined for this printer queue on the AS/400. When Host Print Transform is disabled the AS/400 operating system sends generalized printer data suitable for most printers.

ANSI/VT Options

Prefix LF with CRCheck this box to replace a LF (line feed) with a CR/LF (carriage return/line feed combination). Use this option with host computers that send a line feed (LF) instead of a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) pair.
Strip high-order bitConverts 8-bit data received from the host computer to 7-bit data.


ANSI Options

Send CR for CR/LFCheck this box to have the CR/LF (carriage return/line feed combination) replaced by a CR (carriage return).


Enable line wrap     Check this box to have lines that extend beyond the last terminal column wrap around to the next line. If this item is not checked the lines are truncated.


Local EchoCheck this box to have typed characters displayed on the screen by TN3270 Plus. Normally characters are echoed back to your emulated terminal by the remote computer, however, if the remote computer does not echo the characters to the screen you can check this option and TN3270 Plus will display typed characters for you.


Scrollback linesSpecify the number of lines to be kept in a buffer to allow scrolling backward.



Null/Space Processing




Both nulls (X'00') and space characters (X'40') appear as blanks on a display screen. Space characters are transmitted to the host, but nulls are not transmitted as part of the 3270 data stream when modified screen data is sent to the host. Because nulls are not sent to the host, graphic characters may shift positions on the display when the screen is updated by the host.

With null/space processing, nulls are converted to space characters before the data is transmitted. When doing null-to-space conversion, the space will inherit the nulls character attribute. Thus, the converted data appears at the host the same as it does on the display.


Null/Space Processing on Formatted Screens


Null-to-space conversions are performed only on fields modified by the user. Positioning the cursor within a field does not cause conversions to be performed unless the field is modified by the user. In order to reduce transmission time to the host, nulls that follow the last graphic character in a field are not converted to space characters.


Null/Space Processing on Unformatted Screens


Null-to-space conversions are performed only if the data on the screen is modified by the user. In order to reduce transmission time to the host, nulls that follow the last graphic character on the screen are not converted to space characters.


Using Insert Mode with Null/Space Processing


Null/space processing is especially useful in Insert mode. Without null/space processing, when a character string is followed by blanks to the end of a field, characters could be inserted only if those blanks were actually nulls. Spaces at the end of a field had to be changed to nulls before Insert could be used. With null/space processing, those blanks at the end of a field can be either nulls or spaces. Insert mode works with either.

When null/space processing is active and a character is inserted on an unformatted screen, only the characters between the cursor and the end of the screen are shifted to the right. Characters cannot be wrapped past the end of the screen because null-to-space conversions have already been performed on all nulls before the cursor. In fact, with null/space processing active, all leading nulls and embedded nulls within the text are actually converted to spaces before Insert mode is activated.

TN3270 Plus is continually being improved. To learn more about the latest enhancements, please review our Version History web page.