MsgBox - display a dialog box

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MsgBox  "message text"[[,icon][,"caption"]]



message textis the text to display in the message dialog box. This parameter may be a variable containing the message text.
iconis one of the following Windows msgbox icons: ICONSTOP, ICONEXCLAMATION, ICONQUESTION, ICONINFORMATION. If omitted ICONEXCLAMATION is used. This parameter may be a variable containing the name of the ICON to use.
captionis the caption for the message box. If omitted the caption will be "TN3270 Plus". This parameter may be a variable containing the message box caption.


The MsgBox command pauses the script and displays a dialog box that contains a message for the user. The MsgBox dialog box displays the message text and OK and Cancel buttons. Click the OK button to continue script processing. Click the Cancel button to cancel the script.


MsgBox"The script completed successfully!",ICONINFORMATION


See Also:


Script Command Summary

Script Variables

Using the Scripting Language


TN3270 Plus is continually being improved. To learn more about the latest enhancements, please review our Version History web page.