The following is a list of script commands. For an introduction to writing a script and the script command syntax see Using the Scripting Language.
AskFor | display a dialog box requesting user input. |
CalcVar | do simple arithmetic on a variable. |
command | issue a command in the Windows command environment. |
Connect | connect to a host using a named session. |
DDE | perform a complete DDE conversation in a single command. |
DDEExecute | send a command to a DDE server application. |
DDEInitiate | begin a DDE conversation with a DDE server application. |
DDEPoke | send text to a DDE server application. |
DDERequest | request text from a DDE server application. |
FileSpec | specify the file to be used in a HostSave, HostPrintScreen, HostEnableLogging or EditSaveClipboard command. |
Find | find a substring inside a string. |
GetField | extract a field from a field-separated string. |
GetString | read a string from a file into a variable. |
global | define a global variable. |
goto | branch to a label in the script file. |
if | branch to a label in the script file based in the results of a comparison. |
key | simulate a function key. |
replace | replace a character or substring in a string. |
RunDirectory | specify the working directory for a program started by the "run" command. |
session | switch to another active session. |
SetPrt | change the session printer. |
trim | trim leading and/or trailing characters from a variable. |
type | "type" characters into the session terminal. |
wait | wait for the specified number of milliseconds. |
WaitFor | wait until the specified text string appears in the host session ( WaitFor USERID). Or, wait until one of several specified text strings appears in the host session. When one of the text strings is found, branch to the specified label. |
See Also:
Script Variables
Using the Scripting Language
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