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Changes to Version 3.5, April, 2011

Enhancements and Corrections:



Corrected an abend that could occur if a default printer was not defined.

Changes to Version 3.4, March, 2010

There have been no changes or corrections made in this release.

Changes to Version 3.3, April, 2008

Enhancements and Corrections:


Printer Initialization

Add the ability to specify printer initialization and termination strings if the "Send raw data to printer" option is on.

Convert LF to CR/LF

The "Convert LF to CR/LF" printer option is now supported when the "Send raw data to printer" option is on.

Print to Disk File

Added the $COMPUTERNAME, $DATE and $TIME variables to the output disk file name variable substitution. Support for environmental variables was also added.

Changes to Version 3.2, August, 2008

Enhancements and Corrections:


Print to Disk File

Added the ability to include variable names in the output disk file name.

Changes to Version 3.1, April, 2007

Enhancements and Corrections:


Windows Vista:

Improved compatibility with Windows Vista.

Changes to Version 3.0, November, 2006

Enhancements and Corrections:


Space in filename:

If the file name in a "Control File" or "Data File" contained a space SDI LPD was not printing it.

Changes to Version 2.5, January, 2006

Enhancements and Corrections:


Print Nulls:

Added the "Print nulls" option to the Print Queue Setup dialog. This option prints nulls as spaces.

Print to Disk:

Added the "Disk File: by username and job number" selection to the Printer options in the Print Queue Setup dialog.

Setup Menu:

The number of print queues that can be displayed in the Setup, Print Queues menu selection was increased from 21 to 101. to the Printer options in the Print Queue Setup dialog.

Changes to Version 2.4, April, 2004

Enhancements and Corrections:


Raster Files:

Added support for printing raster files.

Default Queue:

It is now possible to define a default queue. Any jobs with an unknown queue name are routed to the default queue.


Added the Refresh command to the View menu.


SDI LPD Initial Release 2.3, July 2002