logo Script Language Syntax Definition

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The syntax descriptions of the script commands use the following notational conventions:


1.Magenta colored words are replaced by user input.


2.Blue colored symbols are part of the syntax definition and are not included in the command.


3.The following symbols are part of the command and should be entered exactly as they appear in the command format:


:        colon


"        double quotation marks


4.Square brackets [ ] indicate an optional parameter and are not included in the command.


5.Braces { } are used with the vertical bar | to indicate choices between two or more mutually exclusive items and are not included in the command.


6.Words starting in column one and beginning with a colon : are labels. Label names are case sensitive.


7.Lines starting with an asterisk * in column one are treated as comments.


Each line in a script file contains a command in the following format:


command [parameter1 [parameter2 parameter3,...parametern]]        comment


The command indicates the function to perform and the parameter(s) provide the data needed for the function. Anything following white space after the last parameter on each line is a comment.


The command is not case sensitive, so it may appear in any combination of upper and lower case. Any blanks or tabs between the command and the first parameter are ignored.


Comment lines can be added to script file by placing an asterisk (*) in column one. For example:


* -------------------------------------------------------------------

* These three lines are comments

* -------------------------------------------------------------------