logo Script Command Summary

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The following is a list of script commands.


!Issue a command in the Windows environment.


?Display a list of valid script commands.


ASCIISet ASCII (text) mode for file transfer.


Auto    Set automatic mode for file transfer.


BinarySet binary mode for file transfer.


CdChange the current folder on the remote computer.


CloseClose the current session.


DeleteDelete a file on the remote computer.


DirDisplay the contents of the current folder on the remote computer.
DisconnectDisconnect from the remote computer.
ExitExit from SDI FTP.
GetDownload a file from the remote computer.
GotoJump to a label in the script file.
Help   Display help information on script commands.
IfEvaluate a condition and execute a script command if true.


LcdChange the current folder on the local computer.
LiteralSend a command to the remote computer.
LsList the contents of the current folder on the remote computer.
MkdirCreate a new folder on the remote computer.
PutUpload a local file to the remote computer.
QuitClose the current session and exit the application if no other sessions are active.
RenameRename a file or folder on the remote computer.
RmdirDelete a folder on the remote computer.
SetSet prompts on or off for delete and replace operations.