Connecting a 5250 Printer Session

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1.Open the Host menu and select the Connect command or use the blue up arrow on the toolbar.


2.Fill in the Connect to Host dialog box. Specify 5250 Printer as the terminal type.


3.Click on the Advanced… button and select Terminal under Setup Items to display the Terminal pane of Session Setup dialog box. Fill in the device name for your printer session in the Device Name edit box.


4.Click the OK button to return to the Connect to Host dialog box.


5.Click the Connect button to connect the printer session. If connection is successful, the printer session displays a message similar to the following:





5250 Printer support is part of the TN3270 Plus Print feature. The Print feature is an optional additional cost feature. If your copy of TN3270 Plus does not have the Print feature, please contact

TN3270 Plus is continually being improved. To learn more about the latest enhancements, please review our Version History web page.