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TN3270 Plus: What Our Users Say...

We're more than happy with TN3270 Plus in that it doesn't hang, runs fast, has a small footprint, and costs much less than RUMBA.

-Des Dromgool-, Technical Architect 

Just wanted to take minute to tell you how much I LOVE TN3270 Plus!  Your Tech Support is tops. Only had to contact you guys a couple of times over the last three years.  Each time your help has been quick and "perfect".

Been using TN3270 Plus for over three years starting with my previous company.  Came to my present company and missed TN3270 Plus so much I (immediately) bought my own copy.  Discovered I could only do my job at peak efficiency using your product.
Nothing else will do! 

It's been a year and I am getting ready to upgrade and add Printer Support.  Can't wait to try the Printer Support.

Keep up the great work!  I appreciate you!

-Norris Wade-, OS/390 Sr. Systems Programmer 

I was working for a company which used a very sluggish SNA server to connect PCs to their mainframes using a competing 3270 emulator. I decided to investigate using TCP/IP and surveyed six programs I downloaded and two more I had in house. None was completely satisfactory for our needs. I e-mailed all of the vendors and only SDI responded. Over the next few months, SDI implemented most of my suggestions and now, in my opinion, TN3270 Plus is the finest Telnet 3270 client for Windows available. It’s fast, loaded with features and, unlike many of its competitors, free from 3270 data stream problems.  Did I mention that it’s inexpensive, too?

-Jeffrey R. Broido-, Broido Computer Consulting

TN3270 Plus is a great product. I just love it. The best software buy I've made in the last five years, if not since I've been in biz (1981).

-Yvette Seifert Hirth-, The DBT Group, Inc.

It is always a pleasant surprise to find a product that does MORE than it advertises. I discovered "TN3270 Plus" while searching for a THIN Telnet3270 client I could use for the rare times I need to attach to our IBM mainframe. 

What I found was a great VT100 terminal emulator that is much better than the one I have been using 8 hours a day for the last two years. Oh, and the TN3270 connection worked on the first try. 

Your consistent user interface across 3270/5250/VT100 is intuitive and dependable. Your small footprint is a refreshing change from the bloated sizes of the Microsoft, Hummingbird and Attachmate terminal emulators.

I bought and installed the full "TN3270 Plus" version. The download/install/setup process ran flawlessly. Thanks for creating an elegant and functional product.

-Richard Ladner-

Kudos to your product! Installed it without problems last night, and connected right away to work. Keys that weren't the way I like them were customized very easily, and I was even able to make the font look like what I'm used to.

Again, great product. I'll certainly be buying it once the expiry date it over...if I wait that long!!

-Monique Conway-, Landmark

I just spent the last 1.5 hours testing out the pre-release version [of release 2.07] and absolutely love it especially the "new Full Screen Mode." It's a beautiful product!  I have looked at both Attachmate EXTRA! for Windows and Hummingbird's HostExplorer both of which cost many times as much for nearly the same functionality. TN3270 Plus worked so well for me hooking up REMOTELY to the mainframe system at my office (so I could do overtime and resolve production mainframe run problems from home) I am trying to convince my supervisor to get copies of it for everyone's desktop.

Your product has by far the best performance for its price and footprint (the amount of hard disk space occupied). Keep up the good work and development efforts.  

-James W. Spinks-, QSS Group, Inc at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center



As more and more of our customer base requests TCP/IP access to the mainframes, we will continue to point them to SDI. TN3270 Plus provides exactly what they need! Not a package of features/capabilities that are not required for the basic user. In addition we know of SDI's commitment to provide quality software with outstanding support!

-John Gaertner-, Computer Outsourcing Services, Inc.

Let me say, that you've been most accommodating in this testing phase [of TN3270 Plus]. It's nice to see great customer service still exists!

-Ling Bigley-, Corbin Corporation

Just wanted to let you know that I consider the registration of TN3270 Plus a great value for the money.  I have used gobs of program, from Attachmate to Rumba and TN3270 Plus is the "best of the Rest"  It works, is easy to use and for God's sake the PF keys work the way they are supposed to. Great work and I look forward to using the program to make my life much easier. Thanks for the fine program.

-Kyle Goodnight-

All the good things others have said about TN3270 Plus are true -- small footprint, simplicity, speed, support responsiveness, etc. There are two factors no one else has mentioned yet, so I will. One, your scripting language is simple, straightforward, and easy to use. And two (the most important of all), Copy Append! None of the big, expensive, slow, obtuse programs allow me to copy multiple screens of output to the clipboard for pasting into a text editor. 

I registered TN3270 Plus for use at home, but when I saw its superiority to the two versions of DynaComm my agency has, I brought it in and use it at my office also. My heartiest compliments on a superb product. 

Mike Donehoo-, US Environmental Protection Agency

We have standardized on TN3270 Plus as our host emulator because our last emulator became unmanageable and other light emulators were too difficult to configure.  In addition, SDI's development team has been receptive to our enhancement requests and responsive in delivering solutions to those requests.

-Frank Hodge-, John Deere Ottumwa Works

We have replaced Client Access with your TN5250 client [TN3270 Plus] on almost all of our workstations.  The product is far easier to install and uses fewer resources.  Our users like the responsiveness of the interface better than Client Access.  When connecting to multiple AS/400's your product really makes the job simple.

-Tod Bennett-, Perfect-Image Inc.

Beautiful product, wonderful support.  It just keeps getting better and better.  SDI really listened to our ideas for new features.  Thanks, SDI!

-Allen Papapetrou-, School Board of Alachua County

TN3270 Plus is a very sophisticated yet user friendly terminal emulator. I was up and running within minutes of installing it. It has plenty of wonderful features and you can't beat the price. I've tried other more expensive and disk hogging software and TN3270 Plus beats them hands down. Thanks for a great product.

-Douglas W. Custer-

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