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TN3270 Plus Version History

This page summarizes the enhancements added to each release of TN3270 Plus. Use this as a guideline to determine if you wish to update to the most recent release of TN3270 Plus.


Changes to Version 4.0.7, February 2019

Enhancements and Corrections:

DDE Added support for extended ASCII characters (0x80 - 0xFF). 
WinHLLAPI Added support for extended ASCII characters (0x80 - 0xFF). 
Disable Security Settings  A new registry key (DisableSecurityChanges) allows administrators to disable the  user's ability to modify the TN3270 Plus TLS and SSH security settings in the TN3270 Plus configuration.


Changes to Version 4.0.6, January 2017

New Features:

Proxy Server Added HTTP proxy server protocol support. 

Enhancements and Corrections:

Printer Paper Tray Added the ability to select the printer paper tray to the printer setup pane of the session setup dialog. 
 SCS Transparency Added an option to turn EBCDIC to ASCII translation on or off in SCS transparency blocks. (Translate EBCDIC in SCS transparency blocks)
TextBox Script Command Added the BackButton(label) parameter to the TextBox script command. This parameter allows the user to click the "Back" button in the TextBox dialog and branch to a specified label in the script.


Changes to Version 4.0.5, April 2016

New Features:

Custom Toolbar Added a Custom Toolbar with buttons that can be assigned to scripts, macros and/or Windows commands giving the user one-click access.
Korean Code Page Added a Korean DBCS code page for 3270 and 5250 terminal emulation.

Enhancements and Corrections:

New Script Commands: Added the SetEnv and SetUserEnv script commands. SetEnv allows data to be passed between TN327Plus scripts. SetUserEnv allows data to be passed between TN3270 Plus scripts and external programs.
tnrun.exe Added support for handling DDE Request functions.
PrinterReceiveTimeout Added the PrinterReceiveTimeout parameter to the TN3270 Plus session profile to allow the user to specify a timeout value for the printer session receive state.


Changes to Version 4.0.4, November 2015

Enhancements and Corrections:

GetStringAt The GetStringAt script command has been enhanced to accept wildcards.
$SCRIPTFOLDER Added the script built-in variable $SCRIPTFOLDER. The $SCRIPTFOLDER variable returns the folder that contains the active script.
RelToAbs Added the RelToAbs script command. This command converts a position relative to a rectangle to an absolute screen position.


Changes to Version 4.0.3, August 2015

New Features:

ANSI DBCS Support Added support for the UTF-8 code page along with the ability to specify a Windows code page in the Host session setup dialog box for ANSI, VT100 and VT220 terminal sessions.

Enhancements and Corrections:

GetStringAt The GetStringAt script command has been enhanced to accept string delimiters in addition to single character delimiters.


Changes to Version 4.0.2, April 2015

New Features:

Windows 10 Added support for Windows 10.


Changes to Version 4.0.1, March 2015

New Features:

APL Character Set Added support for the 3270 APL Character Set.

Enhancements and Corrections:

OpenSSL 1.0.1m Updated the OpenSSL version used by TN3270 Plus to OpenSSL version 1.0.1m.


Changes to Version 4.0.0, December 2014

Enhancements and Corrections:

SSHv1, SSLv2, SSLv3 Removed Secure Shell version 1 (SSHv1), Secure Socket Layer version 2 (SSLv2) and Secure Socket Layer version 3 (SSLv3) all have known security vulnerablilites. Because of these vulerabilities, support for these protocols has been removed from TN3270 Plus. We recommend that you switch to SSHv2, TLSv1, TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2.
Chinese with HKSCS Code Page Added code page 1377 which contains Traditional Chinese and the Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set.


Changes to Version 3.7.4, November 2014

New Features:

Cipher Selection Support Users can now specify which ciphers may be used when negotiating an SSL or TLS connection. (Setup, Security, Ciphers button)
TLSv1.1 and v1.2 Added support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions 1.1 and 1.2. (Setup, Security, Encryption Protocol)

Enhancements and Corrections:

OpenSSL Version Level Added the OpenSSL version level to the SSL/TLS version line in the Server Certificate dialog box.
Encryption Method Tooltip The encryption method used for the connection now displays in the tooltip that appears when the mouse hovers over the padlock icon on the status bar.
Reverse Video Added the ability to select the foreground and background colors for reverse video with VT100, VT220 and ANSI terminal emulation.
New Script Command Added the GetStringAt script command.
Improved Script Commands Added the USEWILDCARDS parameter to the Find command. Add the LIKE comparison operator.

Changes to Version 3.7.3, July 2014

New Features:

Chinese Code Pages Chinese code pages support the display and input of Chinese characters in terminal sessions.
Japaneses Code Pages Japanese code pages support the display and input of Japanese characters in terminal sessions.

Enhancements and Corrections:

Winhllapi 64-bit Added a 64-bit Windows Hllapi dll (Whllapi64.dll).
New Script Commands: Added the Chr, Checklist, DateAdd, Day, Month, MonthName, Year, Weekday, WeekdayName and TextBox script commands. Added a char(n) function.
Improved Script Command: Added the (Tray(tray_name) parameter to the SetPrt command.
Copy as RTF The Edit, Copy command copies the selected screen area to the clipboard in RTF format in addition to the standard text format. This allows applications that support the RTF format to paste the TN3270 Plus screen image with the correct formatting.

Changes to Version 3.6, November 2012

New Features:

Windows 8: Added support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
IPv6 Added support for IPv6.
New Script Language Syntax: This release introduces an improved script language syntax. The commands and syntax of the earlier TN3270 Plus releases are still supported and can be mixed with the new syntax in the same script, however, we recommend you move to the new syntax as support for the old syntax may be removed in a future release. See Using the Scripting Language (Release 3.6 and above) for the new commands and syntax. See Using the Scripting Language (Release 3.5 and below) for the old commands and syntax.
Undo and Redo: Added Undo and Redo commands to the Edit menu.
New DDE Functions: Added new DDE functions to list sessions without active DDE converstions, run a script, run a macro, start a session, close a session and execute a menu item.

Enhancements and Corrections:

UNC DataPath: Added support for a UNC network path for the TN3270 Plus configuration files folder. (Setup, Preferences, Configuration Files Folder)
New Script Commands: Added the Find, MsgBox, Replace, Trim and Option script commands.
Improved Script Commands: The AskFor and WaitFor commands add a parameter to control the position of the dialog box. The CalcVar command adds the "TRIM" parameter which trims trailing zeros after the decimal point.
VT/ANSI Edit Selection: VT100, VT220 and ANSI terminal sessions now allow selection of data in the scrollback buffer.

Changes to Version 3.5, April 2011

New Features:

Edit Script: Added the "Edit Script" command to the Host menu.
Copy Options: Added the "Auto Copy After Select" and "Remove Trailing Spaces"  options to the Edit, Copy Options menu. The "Auto Copy After Select" option  automatically copies selected text to the clipboard when the left mouse button is released. The "Remove Trailing Spaces" option trims trailing spaces from copied data before placing the data on the clipboard.

Enhancements and Corrections:

New Script Commands: Added the GetField and SetPrt script commands. The GetField command extracts a field from a field-separated string. The SetPrt command sets the session printer from within a script.
Improved Script Commands: CalcVar now accepts decimal values. The $SCREEN variable accepts a new format, $SCREEN(top, left, length).
Script Language Variables: Added the following built-in variables: $DATE, $DATEMY, $DATEMDY, $DATEYMD, $LEFT, $LENGTH, $LONGDATE, $MID, $RIGHT and $TIME.
Additional Lockdown Options: Additional registry entries allow the administrator to limit user access to TN3270 Plus menu items.

Changes to Version 3.4, March 2010

New Features:

German Language: Added the ability to select German as the language for the menus, toolbars and dialog boxes.

Enhancements and Corrections:

SSH Key Regeneration: Added SSH Key Regeneration support. It initiates key regeneration at the end of a user-specified interval. (Setup, Security)
New Script Commands: Added the CalcVar, GetString and PutString script commands.
Clear Clipboard: Added a command to clear the clipboard. (Edit, Clear Clipboard)
Copy as Image: Added a command to copy all or part of the terminal emulation screen to the clipboard as a bitmap image. (Edit, Copy as Image)
Erase EOF After Paste: Added an option to issue an Erase EOF (End of File) command after a paste operation. (Edit, Paste Mode, Erase EOF After Paste)
Prefix LF with CR: Added an option to replace a LF (line feed) with a CR/LF (carriage return/line feed combination). (Setup, Terminal)
Strip high-order bit: Added an option to convert 8-bit data received from the host computer to 7-bit data. (Setup, Terminal)
Upper-case input: Added an option to change all keyboard input to upper case. (Setup, Keyboard)
Terminal key in keep-alive: Added the ability to send a terminal key as the keep-alive string.
Variables in Built-in Variables: Added the ability to use variables as parameters of built-in variables in the scripting language.
WordRightAny, WordLeftAny: New terminal functions that allow the user to tab forward and backward a word at a time regardless if the word is in a protected field.
License Code: The Licensee name and license code are no longer case sensitive.

Changes to Version 3.3, April 2009

New Features:

Windows 7: Added support for Windows 7.
SSH: Added Public Key Authentication.
Session Profile: The session profile extension (.tsp) is now registered with Windows, so that you can double-click on a session profile to start TN3270 Plus and connect that session.
Start PC Command (STRPCCMD): Added support for the Start PC Command (STRPCCMD) for 5250 terminal sessions.

Enhancements and Corrections:

Print Screen Header and Footer: Added support for the $USERNAME, $COMPUTERNAME and Windows environmental variables to the print screen header and footer.
Print to File: Added support for the $SESSION variable in the filename for print to file and print screen to file.
Session Tabs: Added an option to display session tabs above the terminal window instead of below the terminal window.
UNC Hotspots: Enhanced the Hotspot facility so that it recognizes and supports UNC links.
Application Mode Keys: Added options to disable Application Mode keys. (VTxxx and ANSI terminal sessions only).
Status Bar: Added the host IP address to the status bar.
Command Line: Added the "/Hidden" command line option.

Changes to Version 3.2, August 2008

New Features:

Print Screens to spool before printing: This new printer option allows multiple print screens to be printed on a single page.
"If" script command: Added an "if" command to the script language to simplify conditional processing.
Script Language variables: Added the following built-in variables to the scripting language to make it easier to capture information from the terminal screen: $CLIPBOARD, $OIA, $SCREEN[(start[,length])] and $SCREEN[(top,left,bottom,right)].
Desktop Shortcut command: Added the Desktop Shortcut command to the Preferences menu. This command creates a TN3270 Plus shortcut on your desktop.

Changes to Version 3.1, April 2007

New Features:

Windows Vista: Improved compatibility with Windows Vista.
Use Windows Certificate Store: Added an option to import all the certificates from the Internet Explorer Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store into the TN3270 Plus certificate store (tn3270.pem). These certificates are then used to validate SSL certificate chains.
Cursor Move: Added a "CursorMove" function to VT100, VT200 and ANSI terminal emulation.

Changes to Version 3.0, November 2006

New Features:

SSH: Added SSH support. SSH (Secure Shell) support allows you to establish a secure connection between TN3270 Plus and the host computer. (Requires the optional Security Support feature.)

Changes to Version 2.5, January 2006

Enhancements and Corrections:

Hotspots: Words beginning with "www." are now recognized as a hotspot. Also added support for e-mail addresses as hotspots.
Macro Recorder: In VT100 and VT220 sessions the macro recorder was incorrectly recording CTRL + A through CTRL + Z.
3279 colors: Default colors were not being displayed correctly in 3279 extended mode.
3270 Printer: If the printer end-of-message code is in the last byte of the screen buffer, then that data stream will not print.
3270 and 5250 Printer: $DATE parameter inoperative in a printer session filename.
Type-Ahead: TN3270E sessions were unlocking the keyboard prematurely, causing the premature activation of type-ahead.
VT100 logging: Logging was not recording correctly. It was splitting lines longer than the terminal width.

Changes to Version 2.4, April 2004

New Features:

Lockdown: Added the ability to lockdown TN3270 Plus so that users cannot change the sessions settings.
Hexadecimal Passthrough: Added the ability to include hexadecimal data in printer data streams. The hexadecimal data is passed directly to the printer and can be used to control printer operation.

Enhancements and Corrections:

Up to 99 Sessions: Added support for up to 99 sessions in a single window. Prior releases supported up to 9 sessions.
Session Tabs: Added session tabs to make it easier to switch between multiple sessions in a single window.
Paste into Spreadsheet: Added the "Change spaces to tabs" option to the "Edit, Copy Options" menu item. This creates field separation for pasting date into a spreadsheet.
Hotspots: Hotspot support is extended to scripts.
Command Line: Added keyword parameters to the command line options to make the command line more flexible and easier to use.
Host Print Transform: Added Host Print Transform support for 5250 printer sessions.

Changes to Version 2.3, July 2002

New Features:

5250 Printer: Added 5250 printer session support. 5250 print support allows you to route print jobs from your AS/400 host to your PC or network printer. (Requires the printer support option.)
FTP: Added an FTP client. TN3270 Plus FTP allows you to transfer files using the file transfer protocol (FTP). See the TN3270 Plus FTP help file for more information. (Requires the FTP support option.)
Proxy Server: Added a facility to allow connection to host computers located behind a proxy server or firewall. This facility supports SOCKS version 4 and non-SOCKS compliant proxy servers.

Enhancements and Corrections:

Terminal Activity Logging: Added the ability to log your terminal activity to a disk log file. (Host, Enable Logging)
Multiple Windows: Added the option to have multiple sessions in multiple windows rather than multiple sessions in a single window. (Setup, Preferences..., Start each session in a new window)
SL Server Certificate: Added the ability to display the server certificate.
Recent Scripts: Added recently used scripts to the "Run Script" menu. (Host, Run Script)

Changes to Version 2.2, May 2001

New Features:

3287 Printer: Added 3287 printer session support. 3287 print support allows you to route 3287 print jobs from your mainframe host to your PC or network printer. (Requires the printer support option.)
LPD: Added an LPD program. TN3270 Plus LPD is a 32-bit line print daemon that prints host print files on your PC or network printer. (Requires the printer support option.)
WinHLLAPI: Added WinHLLAPI support. WinHLLAPI support allows you to write Windows applications that communicate with IBM zSeries (mainframe) or iSeries (AS/400) computers via TN3270 Plus terminal emulation.
DDE: Added DDE support. Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) allows your Windows applications to communicate with a terminal emulation session.
SSL: Added SSL support. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) support allows you to establish a secure connection between TN3270 Plus and the host computer. (Requires the SSL support option.)

Enhancements and Corrections:

File Transfer: Added support for Write Structure Field (WSF) file transfers.
Print Screen: Added an option to print the screen in black and white instead of color or grayscale.
RAW Data: Added an option to send a printer file directly to the printer port instead of to the Windows spooler. This allows VT100/VT220 session print files to contain printer control sequences.
Euro Currency: Added support for the Euro currency symbol.
Regaining Focus: Regaining focus with a mouse click changed so that it does not perform a terminal function, for example, moving the terminal cursor.
Cursor Appearance: Added vertical rule and horizontal rule to the cursor appearance options.
Session Toolbar Button: The session toolbar button is now highlighted when a hidden session is updated.
Internet Utilities: It is now possible to disable the Internet utilities.
3270 Dynamic Screen Size: The 3270 screen size will change dynamically when an application uses an alternate screen size.

Changes to Version 2.1, December 1999

New Features:

Protocol: Added TN3270E (SNA over TCP/IP) support. Printer session support is not yet available.
Terminal emulation: Added VT220 support.

Enhancements and Corrections:

Keep-alive Option: Added a keep-alive option to keep inactive sessions from being disconnected by the host. (Setup, Sessions...)
Cross Hair Cursor: Added the cross hair (ruler) type cursor option. (Setup, Display...)
Insert Mode Cursor: Customize the cursor style for insert mode. (Setup, Display...)
3270 Suppress Autowrap: Added an option to suppress autowrap. (Setup, Terminal...)
3270 Whole Field Delete: Added an option to make the delete key affect the whole field if it wraps from one row to another, instead of just deleting to the end of the row containing the cursor. (Setup, Terminal...)
5250 Print Key: Added support for the 5250 print key.
VT100 Reverse Screen: Added support for the VT100 reverse screen escape sequence (displays the entire screen in reverse video).
VT100 80/132 Column: Added support for VT100 80/132 column modes.
VT100 Null Key: Added a key to the VT100 keyboard mapping to send a null.
VT100 Function Keys: Added support for the following telnet fuction keys: AbortOutput, AreYouThere, Break, EraseCharacter, EraseLine and TelnetInterruptProcess.
VT100 Customizable Control Sequences: Added the ability to customize the control sequence that is sent to the host when a key is pressed. (Setup, Keyboard...)
DEC Answerback: for the DEC "Transmit answerback message" control character. (Setup, Terminal...)
PrintScreen: Improved the performance of the print screen function.
ANSI Bolded Characters: Added the ability to set a different color for each bolded ANSI color. (Setup, Colors...)

Changes to Version 2.07, August 1999

New Features:

Keyboard macros: Record keyboard input and store it for later use. (New menu item: Macros)
Full Screen Mode: Make your monitor look like a 3270 or 5250 terminal! (View, Full Screen)
5250 Device Name Support: Added the ability to specify a device name(s) for a session. (5250 sessions only)
Cursor Select Key: Added support for selector pen detectable fields. (3270 and 5250 sessions only)
Enhanced Keyboard Mapping: Simplified keyboard mapping allows you to map any key on the keyboard (except those restricted by Windows). You can also map a key to a character, macro or script.
Customizable Mouse: Customize the buttons on your mouse.
Hotspot Support: Allows words on the terminal screen to act as AID generating keys or active URL links.

Enhancements and Corrections:

Preferences: A preferences dialog box allows the user to personalize some settings. (Setup, Preferences...)
Revised Setup Menu: The items in the Setup menu now correspond to the items in the Session Setup dialog box.
Improved Edit Selection: Easier edit selection with the new reverse video method.
Edit Paste Continue: Allows you to continue a paste operation where the last one ended. (Edit, Paste Continue)
Global Script Variables: Now it is possible to pass script variables from one script to another. (Global script command)
Print Screen to File: Added the ability to redirect print screen output to a file. (Setup, Printer...)
Print Screen Header/Footer: Added the ability to place a header and/or footer on your print screen output. (Setup, Printer...)
Reconnection Delay: Added an optional delay to the automatic reconnection feature. (Setup, Sessions)
Keypad Toolbar: Added dockable and fixed size options to the Keypad Toolbar. (Setup, Toolbars)

Changes to Version 2.05, August 1998

New Features:

Session Configuration: Added the ability to configure your setup by session instead of globally. (Setup, Sessions...)
Paste Mode: Added two additional paste modes. TN3270 Plus now supports the following paste modes: block, overlay block and stream. (Edit, Paste Mode)
VT100 Keyboard Mapping: Added keyboard mapping for VT100 terminal emulation.
VT100 Print Support: Added support for VT100 printing.
Keypad Toolbar: A customizable floating toolbar containing buttons for the keyboard keys. (View, Keypad Toolbar).

Enhancements and Corrections:

Scripting Language: Improved the command syntax and added additional commands.
Command Line: Accepts a script file name as a parameter. This allows users to run a script automatically each time TN3270 Plus is started.
Ping: Added user selectable fields for number of packets, data size and timeout value.
File Transfer Dialog: Added an edit box that accepts additional options and passes them to IND$FILE. Added the ability to select a code page for the file transfer. (3270 sessions only).
File Transfer: Corrected a problem that caused file corruption when transferring MVS/TSO files.
Non-blinking Cursor: Added an option to stop the cursor from blinking.
Blink Attribute Support: Added support for the blink attribute.
Save Password for CheckMail: Added the ability to save your POP3 mail server password in the CheckMail dialog box.

Changes to Version 2.03, January 1998

New Features:

TN5250 support: Adds support for IBM 5250 (24 x 80 and 27 x 132) terminal emulation.
VT100 support: Adds support for VT100 terminal emulation.
Keyboard mapping: Allows you to customize the PC keyboard for terminal emulation sessions. (Setup, Sessions..., Keyboard..., Configure...)
Scalable fonts: Adjusts the size of the font when the size of the terminal session window is changed. (Setup, Sessions..., Fonts, Scale to fit terminal window)
Type-ahead buffer: Type-ahead buffer support for 3270 and 5250 sessions. This support allows you to continue typing while the host has the keyboard locked.
Scripting Language: The scripting language allows you to automate common activities.
Screen capture: Allows you to save screen images to a disk file.
Host Language support: Allows you to select a host language code page for keyboard character translations. (Setup, Default Language...)
Ping replaces Echo: Ping replaces Echo on the Internet menu.
Print Clipboard: Added a menu item for printing the contents of the Clipboard. (Edit, Print Clipboard)
View Next Session: Added a menu item to display the next active terminal emulation session. (View, Next Session, or Ctrl+Tab)
Web Browser Support: TN3270 Plus works as a supporting application with most popular web browsers.

Enhancements and Corrections:

Save last file transfer: The parameters of the last file transfer operation are saved, so the operation an easily be repeated.
File transfer progress box: Improved the file transfer progress dialog box.
Response time display: Made the response time display more readable. (View, Response Time...)
Cursor: A single right mouse click now moves the cursor. Added a new cursor style, the vertical bar. (Setup, Sessions..., Display, Cursor Style, Vertical Bar)
New 3270 keys: Added the Attn, Sysreq, Dup and Fieldmark keys.
Status line: Added the ability to change status line colors. Added the session number to the status line.
Status bar: Added the number of evaluation days remaining until expiration.
Splash screen: New splash screen adds visual gratification.
Screen print: Corrected the screen print function. (It was printing protected fields.)
Product evaluation: The product no longer runs when the evaluation period has expired.
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