logo Working with Sessions

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A "session" is a file on disk containing all the information necessary to connect to a host computer and defining the options in use when connected to that host.  Up to ten sessions can be active simultaneously. 


Opening a session


You can create a new session or open an existing session by using the New Session Setup dialog box.


Opening Multiple Sessions


You can open up to ten session at the same time. For example if you wanted to connect to the IBM and Intel FTP servers as the same time:


1.Create sessions for IBM and Intel.  (Host, New)
2.Connect the IBM session. (Host, Connect, Session Name = IBM,  Connect button). The IBM session is assigned to the first session tab.
3.Connect the Intel session. (Host, Connect, Session Name = IBM,  Connect button). The Intel session is assigned to the second session tab.



Switching between sessions


Switch between sessions by clicking on the session tab for the session or by selecting the open session number from the View menu.  The sample below has four sessions connected: IBM, Intel, Sony and Microsoft. "Intel" is the active session.





Disconnecting a session


You can disconnect a session by either selecting Disconnect from the Host menu or by clicking on the Disconnect button on the toolbar. The TCP/IP connection is disconnected, but the session tab remains available and the remote tree and list panes remain displayed.


Reconnecting a session


A session which is in disconnected state may be reconnected either by selecting Reconnect from the Host menu or by clicking on the Reconnect button on the toolbar.


Closing a session


A session is closed by selecting Close from the Host menu. The close command disconnects the session (if it is connected) and clears the session tab.